A collection of my works.

Wing Tel

Working in collaboration with founders David Scott and Jonathon Francis, Wing Tel is a new MVNO telecommunications company, working exclusively with AT&T to provide users with a fresh alternative to the archaic industry of cellular data and telecommunications.

To bring this digital solution to life, I worked closely with David to consult and design a mobile app, a web platform, and proof the final stages of brand development.

  • TIMEFRAME: 2016-2017

  • TOOLS: Sketch, InVision, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop




Our targets users are overpaying for data they don’t readily need. Complicated terms, increasing phone bills, and frustrating customer service has left many customers feeling unsatisfied.


To address the frustrated target demographic, we aimed to create a more approachable and easily manageable phone service provider - one that gives control to the user.


By combining the “rollover plan” and “pay only for what you need” models, Wing Tel users can adjust their cell phone budget accordingly.





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Whether it may be an increase or decrease in usage per month, updating and managing data should be easily done by the user if needed.


Existing phone companies and their management apps lack an engaging experience. Mobile connectivity is important and users should feel confident in their interactions with the provider.


Active data displays help track usage without any of the hidden additional fees. One consistent bill, month by month.


Early high-fidelity designs included more functions like International Travel as well as a more detailed display of user data.


The Wing Tel website was designed to capture users before porting them to the mobile flow. Designs followed a similar design style as the app.


Digital DesignWilson Ma